
Business Directory

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OxLEP Business provides this website platform for businesses to support each other. OxLEP Business cannot be held liable, including financial responsibility, for any action taken either as a result of content on this website or as a result of advice received by any businesses listed. The information is provided by OxLEP Business and businesses in good faith. If you find any content that is incorrect or inappropriate please report this to the OxLEP team using the following email address: [email protected]

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After Cloud is a social enterprise for positive purposeful impact, providing technology that helps us to celebrate and share our individual moments ...
Archangel Imaging provides award-winning commercial smart security systems for large, difficult outdoor locations. ...
Now in our 32nd year, Aston & James are proud to have provided everything for the workplace throughout Oxfordshire. ...
This is a small Cafe in Chipping Norton offering freshly made delicious food; eat in or to order for office lunches. ...
Brand Identity and Graphic Design that helps businesses discover and visually express who they really are, to attract who they really want. ...
Business advisory practice based in Oxford providing internationally recognised intermediary, disagreement and dispute resolution services. ...
Independent Oxfordshire based HR Consultancy delivering personal outsourced HR solutions to support and enhance your organisation. ...
Helping high-growth businesses find, implement, and optimise software that meets their specific needs. ...
Award-winning Creation Theatre is Oxfordshire’s largest producing theatre company. We bring classic texts to life in extraordinary locations. ...
Family-owned Darcica Logistics specialise in sustainable, cost-effective ecommerce fulfilment, parcel and pallet storage, deliveries and collections. ...
PARTY WITH A PURPOSE - OUR PROFITS HELP PEOPLE AND THE PLANET. We run corporate & private events, and in turn we help charities' public engagement. ...
I'm Blanka, the Neuroscientist Parenting Expert. I help busy parents get their kids to cooperate for a stress-free home environment. ...

Showing 1-12 of 100 results