
‘Adaptation is acting to reduce the damages & maximise any positive benefits from climate change impacts.’

(Climate Change Committee, 2021)

Businesses around the world are increasingly taking action to mitigate their emissions and impact on the environment. But thinking about adaptation is also essential. Climate adaptation means making sure your business is resilient and prepared, for both the threats of Climate Change and the benefits, happening now, and in the future.

What does Climate adaptation mean?

  • Climate mitigation means avoiding or reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere to make the impacts of climate change less severe. 
  • Adaptation means taking action to adjust to the present and future impacts, and to maximise the opportunities of the changing climate.


Both are important and need to happen together.



Useful resources:

Below are some useful resources to help you understand adaptation for your business, the threats and opportunities, and actions you can take:

  • Climate Action Scotland – very helpful website, with tools, resources and case studies for businesses.
  • Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT) – an online tool to help businesses, and other local decision makers identify possible climate risks and risk mitigation measures in their local area. It brings together ino one place, climate models, information on climate risks, health, and community impacts, importantly with recommendations for adaptation actions you can take.
  • Introduction to Local Climate Adaptation – an introductory guide for businesses, local authorities and other organisations to what climate adaptation is, why it is needed and how you can respond. Also included within the LCAT.
  • Oxfordshire Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2024
  • Beat The Heat and Warmer Winter Checklist – leaflets produced by the Low Carbon Hub with advice to help you save energy and keep cool during the hot summer months, and to manage your energy bills and keep warm in the colder winter.