
Our Impact

Helping Oxfordshire’s SMEs to flourish

Oxfordshire’s sole traders, small and medium-sized businesses are flourishing thanks to capable leaders, diverse networks, and a clear sense of purpose. We are here to provide the support they need to achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

Between April 2017 and March 2023, the OxLEP Business and Skills teams have delivered nearly ÂŁ29m worth of support to Oxfordshire businesses, including ÂŁ4.8m in grant funding and nearly 18,000 of hours of advice, guidance and up-skilling.

Our most recent Impact Report, the SIGHT (Start, Innovate, Grow and Help to Thrive) Report showcases how OxLEP Business and Skills have responded to the needs of businesses and shares some of the stories which describe the impact of that support.

Learn about these stats and much more in our Impact report today!

On this page, you can also view our Impact Reports from 2022 and 2021.

SIGHT Impact Report

The SIGHT (Start, Innovate, Grow and Help to Thrive) Report showcases how OxLEP Business and Skills have responded to the needs of businesses and shares some of the stories which describe the impact of that support.

Between April 2017 and March 2023, the OxLEP Business and Skills teams have we have delivered nearly ÂŁ29m worth of support to Oxfordshire businesses, including ÂŁ4.8m in grant funding and nearly 18,000 of hours of advice, guidance and up-skilling.

Learn about these stats and much more in our report today!

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