
Business Directory

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OxLEP Business provides this website platform for businesses to support each other. OxLEP Business cannot be held liable, including financial responsibility, for any action taken either as a result of content on this website or as a result of advice received by any businesses listed. The information is provided by OxLEP Business and businesses in good faith. If you find any content that is incorrect or inappropriate please report this to the OxLEP team using the following email address: [email protected]

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FileOps is a legal tech startup building a new breed of productivity tool that puts lawyers in control of their email. ...
Fine Treatment is proud to have improved health and wellbeing of people with kidney stones, benign prostate enlargement (BPH), chronic prostatitis, back pain, knee pain, and other conditions. ...
Hello, I am Fiona Mac - an experienced, local, accredited independent Civil Celebrant working in Oxfordshire. ...
Affordable First Aid and Fire Safety Training with serving Emergency Services professionals. ...
Fisher Studios is home to Oxford-based photographers with a mission to provide you with stunning images, exceptional service and consistently reliable delivery. ...
Creating innovative, sustainable garden designs for discerning clients. ...
Henley Scan make your precious memories more accessible by digitising old and not so old media. ...
Visitor attraction in central Oxford with 1000 years of history on site. We run costumed guided tours, family events, corporate hire and experiences. ...
Building self-esteem and learning through fun ...
Digital technology & marketing performance solutions for the financial services sector. ...
JM Mindful Assistant offers dedicated virtual support to neurodiverse and neurotypical business owners, fostering growth with empathy and inclusivity. ...
Offering uplifting and energising experiences that caters to all levels. ...

Showing 25-36 of 100 results