
Managing the Menopause

About this business

Tackling the taboo and raising awareness can help you: retain skilled employees; reduce absence rates; improve engagement and productivity; increase gender balance at senior levels of your organization; attract the best talent.

Research carried out by MetLife UK in 2022 revealed that two thirds of those who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, perimenopause or menopause, say they are too uncomfortable to talk to their manager about how their symptoms are impacting them at work.

The menopause is covered under the Equality Act 2010, and employers have a duty of care to raise awareness and understanding and educate their teams on menopause.

Employers should create clear policies and make them visible to all team members, create a safe space for team members to speak to their line managers and offer appropriate reasonable adjustments and support.
We can help with awareness sessions, manager training, and Ask the GP sessions, as well as self-paced online learning courses.

Find us: Oxfordshire, UK


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