
Programme overview

West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator

The ‘West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator’ will help to focus expertise and support so that small businesses with big potential can grow and create jobs.

What’s included?

Programme ambitions

  • RConducting a strategic business review to create a support delivery plan and a 3-year Business Growth Action Plan,
  • RProviding Masterclasses on key business, innovation, and growth topics,
  • RProviding a Leadership Development programme for senior managers in the businesses
  • RProviding facilitated peer-to-peer learning opportunities
  • RProviding expert 1-2-1 support on productivity, innovation, and growth
  • RConnecting businesses with funding opportunities, including Angel Investors.

What’s included?

Programme benefits

A series of ‘West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator’ webinars to explain the support offer (project activities) to interested

A branded course handbook containing all materials and a brochure on the team to support the businesses.

What’s included?

Programme support

  • RStrategy Review & Delivery Planning 1:1 (on-boarding)
  • RThree cycles of the ‘West Oxfordshire Business Accelerator’
  • RFocussed bespoke 1:1 support from our team of 20+ Business and Innovation Advisors
  • RMasterclass: Business Planning for Growth
  • RMasterclass: Financial Planning & Management for Business Leaders
  • RMasterclass: The Innovation Process
  • RMasterclass: Investment Readiness (including Angel Investors)
  • RLeadership Development programme for senior managers in the businesses
  • RFacilitated Peer-to-Peer Sessions (9 ‘Action-Learning’ Groups of 8/9)
  • RExit Review & Growth Action Plan
  • ROne West Oxfordshire Innovation Unconference event including all businesses.


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