

Understanding How A Business Is Valued

Understanding How A Business Is Valued

There are many ways to value a business and they aren’t all equal. Find out what you need to know about business valuation.

Explore the intricate world of business valuation. Gain invaluable insights into the diverse ways businesses are valued and the nuances of each approach. Discover the pros and cons of different valuation methods, equipping yourself with the knowledge to make strategic decisions for your business’s future.

Do you know what is driving the value of your business?

This webinar is part of a new programme of ‘Investment Readiness’ support coordinated by OxLEP Business and supported by some of Oxfordshire’s leading innovation and investment experts.

This online workshop will:

  • Help you to understand that there are different ways in which a business can be valued with a focus on the income approach and market approach.
  • Help you to understand the pros and cons of the two approaches.
  • Provide tips into how you can maximise the value of your business.

By attending this workshop and joining this programme, you will equip yourself with the knowledge to position your business as an irresistible investment opportunity, setting the stage for success in Oxfordshire and beyond.

This Webinar is being delivered by:

Sean Hackemann

Sean is founder of Specialist Accounting Solutions Ltd, an accountancy practice, specialising in Advisory and Financial Outsourcing Services. Sean works with ambitious Entrepreneurs and Management Teams based in London and the Thames Valley, who need specialist accountancy support to achieve their goals.

Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme

The Growth Hub programme operates a Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) scheme. All SMEs which receive support under this programme are being aided under the UK Subsidy Control Act (2022) and The Subsidy Control (Gross Cash Amount and Gross Cash Equivalent) Regulations (2022 No. 1186).

MFA allows a beneficiary to receive up to £315,000 of Subsidy over a three-fiscal year period (i.e. the current and previous two fiscal years). The value of MFA given is the gross cash amount or the gross cash equivalent of the subsidy. The MFA value of this webinar is £361.70.